[KY 1017 Sub.Code : 4716 Q.P. Code 664716
B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree Examination Second Year Paper I
August 2009
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 75 marks
Answer ALL questions
I. Write essays on :
1. The role of primary and secondary groups in hospitals.
2. Population explosion – causes, effects and control measures
II. Write short notes on :
1. Application of sociology in Nursing.
2. Merits and demerits of socialization.
3. Impact of culture on health and illness.
4. Social change and health.
5. Causes of social disorganization.
III. Short answer questions :
1. What are the elements of community?
2. Enumerate the theories of the origin of society.
3. Write the chief agencies of socialization.
4. List out two merits of joint family system?
5. What are the factors which leads to the growth of cities?
6. Mention the main characteristics of social change:
7. Two health problems caused due to stress.
8. What are the types of role differentiation?
9. What are the types of poverty?
10. Write any four preventive measures of Juvenile delinquency.
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